February is out month of Heroes and how better to celebrate than with some real life SUPERDOG stories...
In 2007, Tank, a Rottweiler cross, and his neighbour Muck, a Staffy cross, saved 2-year-old Max Hillier from drowning in a dam near Mackay, QLD.
The trio had wandered 300 meters from home when a neighbour found them muddy and distressed. Tank stood guard over Max, while Muck paced between the water and the child, preventing him from re-entering.
Police confirmed drag marks showed Max had been pulled to safety, and the dogs’ frantic barking alerted help. Their quick instincts saved his life.
In November 2007, Tank and Muck received the RSPCA Purple Cross Award—plus a well-deserved giant bone each.
On September 11, 2001, Michael Hingson, along with his guide dog for the blind, Roselle, was working as usual on the 78th floor in Tower One of the World Trade Center. When the planes struck, Roselle guided him through the building and down the stairwell—1,463 steps—to safety. The yellow Labrador Retriever led Hingson through the choking smoke and chaos, and away from the building just before it collapsed.
Kathie Vaughn, who has paraplegia, was trapped in her van when it caught fire, and was unable to assemble her wheelchair and get out. Eve, her 104-pound Rottweiler grabbed her by the leg and pulled her to safety, before the van exploded. Eve suffered burns to her paws, but Ms. Vaughn was unharmed.
Should you be in need of a lifeguard on the Italian coast, don’t expect a well-muscled Adonis to come to your rescue. You’re more likely to be saved by a dog trained at the Italian School of Canine Lifeguards. The Newfoundlands, Golden Retrievers, and Labrador Retrievers are on duty at several beaches around the country, ready to rescue swimmers in trouble.
There you have it - incredible acts of bravery coupled with intelligence - dogs truly are mans best friend. Let us know in the comments below your Superdog stories.